Two knits for Noor : -a lavender/greyish bolero, which I like to call 'wild rice',as the stitchpattern and color of this knit remind me of my favorite kind of purple rice (with cinnamon, cream, fresh vanilla, canesugar and a little bit of egg - in the oven - perfectpuddin') -a soft silver bell-hat, 'clair de lune'.
Now all I have to do is get a photo of her wearing her new woollies. Oh Noor. She's now 18 months and very very wanting to assert herself with OH NO and ME-THAT and MORE. I do understand, she's only just learned how to express her thought with words... She's actually quite clear and skilled in using her little words. And I accept that modelling some cardi and a hat (!) is not high on the priority list. Not edible. Not noisy. Not in the least messy or wet. NO. A yummy bribe would work except it would be instantaniously rubbed into the new garment. NO. It doesn't have wheels. Ehm no it's not a pussycat. No no. Can't really catapult it like sticky toast. Hang on, this hat, whoosh it can fly, now that is interesting, but no, not painterly like mud. Not bouncy or milky. Nnnn. Nah.
(and I just know the witty master would fully approve of me pairing these socks with his haiku) Technical (knitting) details : Ravelry A few more glances : here and here.
I started this shoulderwrap nine days ago, on the first of september, New Zealands first day of Spring. I conceived it as a Spring offering (Stravinsky, Le Sacre du Pintemps) for my de facto mother in law Carol , who's having her 70th birtday today. I chose an exquisite Habu silk, Kusaki zome, in the colorway Mirobalan, -goosberry. It has a sage-y golden air. The shawl pattern is wonderfully balanced between formal and playful. It was quite hard to knit - the silk being crisp and stiff, but it came out just the way I had wanted it. Understated yet unusual, light, serene, sheer and full of poise. Like Carol.
Here are the Ravelry details, the pattern is Pogona by Steven West.
The sun's finally out, just in time for Carol's little celebratory soiree...! Enjoy your weekend -Lies
Mmmm. New stuff. More to show later too. I have an idea for the above Tsumugi silks. And yes that lavender turned out rather pink. Lieveke pats my hand and says : but that's the best one of all mum. Perhaps it is.