This child has my heart melting lately. She is such a happy, generous person. Lieveke, Auntie Kimberlee LOVES YOU!

me and sweetums
click photo to enlarge (note the tiny helping hands)
Today Lies and I had a much needed catch up. I was able to see these gorgeous toddler bibs she has been making. Lies, you have such a eye for colour and pattern combinations. Your fun and funky things that are more than just eye candy, they are functional too! Seeing these today inspired me to this conclusion:
(front and back view)
YAY! See, Lieveke is already celebrating this announcement! Thanks to everyone who has been supportive of our work and inquired about purchasing online because now we are going to do it! I am going to do some serious work on it this weekend so hopefully our etsy store will be going by next week. I want to put Lies' quilted toddler bibs in there first since they were the catalyst.

Just when I thought my morning couldn't get any better, BAM! unexpected blanket karma came at me out of nowhere. Look what I got for (only)
TEN FLIPPIN DOLLARS at the aotea markets on my way home from Lies and Lieveke's house. And I had just been admiring a beautiful handmade blanket Lies' friend gave her (t'was found on the side of the road) and suddenly I have a similar one myself. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to the loving hands that made this, I know you are out there somewhere.
I think this is another sign of the twin link between Lies and I. This blanket is a once in a lifetime find, and we both received ours in the same week?!!?! That's more than coincidence. (Lies you must post a picture of your blanket so they can see what I am talking about)
click to enlarge if you want a better look at the intricate work
At the same market junk stall, I found this floral needle work in excellent condition. It immediately found a home in our kitchen. On the right: Installation with needle work, peaches, sea salt, and lemon.

Need more inspiration? I got it. Look at this little plant that started growing among the scummy litter in our courtyard. triumph over tragedy. (Litter courtesy of our upstairs neighbors, thanks guys. please send more empty beer cans and soggy cigarettes our way.)
well, das ist alles fur heute.
glückliches Wochenende