I've been stitching and pretending I know how to embroider and it's kind of worked out. I'm no tiny happy yet, but I'm okay with that.

It was a really fun experiment, especially since I have been so busy with other things that my crafting/creative time has been compromised. Also this is the first successful project I have done in a while. Do you ever have one of those runs where you try a couple new things and nothing turns out? Just a whole bunch of failed ideas, or executions of ideas. Half finished projects quickly hidden in the cabinet and filed under "yeah, I don't think so." It can start getting to you!
What do you do with the failed attempts? or the works in progress that you know are NEVER going to make it? Lies says it feels quite liberating to throw them out. I would agree but something holds me back. I think,
"My babies, my brain children, I love even though you are wonky, and ugly, and unflattering. It's not your fault."
Perhaps Dr. Frankenstein could relate.

This is my tangled mess of embroidery floss which I usually store in a zip lock bag. I have a whole bunch of those little white cards that you can wind such things around but do I have the patience and presence of mind for this task? We'll see.

An inspiring book for embroidery ideas, this one has great pictures of vintage wall paper.
Off the Wall by Lencek and Gideon Bosker. Imagine being a couple who jointly write books about vintage wall paper!?!? that TOTALLY reminds me of this other husband and wife team who answer the question, "What happens when two models who love fitness and each other write a book together?"

BAM! This happens!
You might be saying to yourself, "Kimberlee, get over it!
We've seen this before, it's time to move on." Well folks, I CANNOT! it is too grand. I think God put this book on the earth to make me laugh.

Okay getting back on topic, a collage of some wallpaper samples from the book. Imagine if you had a whole room done up in some of these prints. It would be like living in an optical illusion, which might be a lovely life. I'm not sure.
let's stop here, shall we?