I am looking at my calendar right now, and the date says Jan 16th, 2009, but I can hardly believe it. Mentally I am still on holiday and I refuse to come back. Yes, I have been back at work for a few weeks now, and have been doing the necessary chores for living (laundry, cleaning, dog walking, food prep, etc snore snore) but I have been putting off the real work that signifies the start to a new year. Like updating my portfolio, starting a new illustration work, sorting through my closet, and the once yearly REFRIGERATOR CLEAN which involves washing everything down and throwing out all things 2008.
After a really good holiday, the come down can be brutal. I guess it's fair enough that I don't want to live in the real world just yet. Who wouldn't want a few more weeks of beaches, sleep ins, shared meals with friends, afternoons spent reading in the hammock, and absolutely zero responsibility other than feeding yourself and making sure to apply enough sunscreen.
But this is my last week of laze. I think that next week I am going to start a programme called 'Baby Steps Back to Reality: how to comfortably resettle into normal life after great, relaxing experiences.' I suspect its going to be one of those 6 week things, or maybe 12. (It's best not to under estimate the length of adjustment periods).
I have already made a list of things I need to do (baby step), bought a 2009 calendar (baby step), done my first blog post of the year (big baby step), and have wiped down the
outside of the refrigerator (baby step). So maybe I have already gotten through week one of the programme. Now that wasn't so hard, was it?
I'll leave you with some holiday photos, ahh the south pacific summer!!! I hope you all had an equally good time :)

Christmas breakfast at my in laws country house
Muriwai, west coast beach
Mushrooms! and other food! we had some great meals with friends at the batch.
Can you spot the handmade ravioli? best meal of 2008.
Luke snapped this one of me dancing on the black sand beach, It was our 5th year wedding anniversary. Five years!-k