Sunday 24 June 2007

Hello dears, ta K

Oh my! I thought I better post some proof of existence. Phew, I've just been too busy for my own good. So sorry I neglected y'all. Yup I'm working hard in my new and wonderful job and yup yup the rest of the time is dedicated to bubby mostly. But.. mustn't let da bloggers down!
Hey Kimberlee, this is for you. Ta for posting many-a-pretty-and-interest-tickling thing. 't Is time for me to do my bit, as you are away in the States. Ta for being my good and trusted friend and for teaching Lieveke (while I was away working in da gallery of course grrr) to WALK! Oh dear she is growing so fast! Ta for being so patient when we whisk away and dissapear to the emergency doctors cause our little one has a burning fever. And ta for a lovely relaxed dinner afterwards, your presence was kindly reassuring to me, shaky worried little mama. Here you are with my daughter -two beauties! :

Hope your little sweetie niece enjoys the kimono jacket I made her. I lined it (eh a wee bit wonkyly, sorry) with soft cords, so she can use it as a real jacket on a chilly summer eve. So she is extra cosy, and feels safe. Lavender, rose and chocolate kisses little darling. Enjoy your stay good friend K. X X


kimberlee said...

hello there lies!

colorado is lovely and we are having such a relaxing time. thanks for your kind words!
i hope to post pictures of what we have been up to soon.
ella looks so cute in her kimono and my bro really likes it!

Anonymous said...

I like the photo of Kim & your daughter. Very heartwarming! :)