This may sound too preachy and prescriptive, but KILL YOUR TELEVISION. Luke and I got rid of ours in Oct. 2006 and the change for me has been profound. I used to be a big TV watcher. When I was a kid through to my university days, I used to saddle up to the boob tube and the hours would melt away. It was my 'nothing' time and even though I would be the first to admit that tv had loads of rubbish and truly deserved the title 'idiot box', I would justify it's continued presence in my life by thinking, hey, there is
some good stuff on TV.... PBS docos, the national geographic channel, animal planet, the Simpson's, etc.
But Luke hates t.v. so few years ago and with some reservations on my part, we gave it the boot .... on a trial basis. I missed it at first, sometimes I even missed it a lot. But now I can say that I really really really don't miss it. And when I do see it (like at a bar or someone's house) I realise that I had previously underestimated tv's negative aspects. By that I mean the dumbed down programs full of stupid humour and recycled plot lines, and the dehumanizing advertising trying to convince us that our lives are not good enough and we need MORE of what they're selling.
Of course I could go on, and of course none of these are original ideas. But the shock to me was how strongly the bad parts overwhelmingly obscure anything worthwhile and how I needed a long break from it to see what was plainly obvious.
Any justification I previously had for television is gone. But for those who are not convinced, be warned. When you watch it, you get so much more than you bargained for. The subtle ideas and ways of thinking will permeate into your life no matter how good you think your stupidity barriers are. And what about those good things worth your time? (PBS documentaries, the rare intelligent and creative show, the learning channel etc) well it's like half a cup of delicious brownie batter mixed into a bowl of shit. It's going to be tainted because of the format. and I still think most things worth seeing are available on dvd or via the internet.
That's all sounding rather negative but there is MUCH positivity to be embraced here. I think we are seeing a rejection of the previous forms of entertainment (tv, hollywood etc) that have been spoon fed to us in the past. Instead, there is a DYI thing happening. Now people are making their own magazines (zines) and reading and writing blogs instead of just buying the latest issue of (fill in the blank) or getting their books from a best sellers lists. There has been a rise in independent everything, music, publishing and of course HANDMADE. we are embracing this new do-it-yourself entertainment and at the same time saying that the other stuff just isn't good enough. It's been too impersonal, too compromised, too stupid. no thanks, check it at the door.
On a personal level, cutting out t.v. has meant spending more time on the things I actually love. And doing things I love has had this strange psychological effect of making me I feel more like myself and more
truly human. I guess that's a bit profound (and I don't blame you if you are rolling your eyes right now) but the way you spend your time defines of who you are. there is just no way around that.
If anybody is still reading this I am very surprised (if you are still reading leave 'bluebird' in the comments and it will be our little secret). OK the MANIFESTO is over. back to captions and pictures.

A little pixie hat I made Lieveke as part of a Christmas gift commissioned by her uncle Karel. She is doing 'twinkle hands' for this photo. bless.

I used the pattern from Bend the Rules Sewing, but I am sure you guys know ALL about this famous book. just in case you don't know,
click here to find out more.

here you go
Ashley Rose... she bag tagged me to photograph the contents of my hand bag. It's a blimmin' rubbish tip today which is embarrassing, but I am going for total realism here.