In Belgium 'tip top' means 'everything is super ok' or some such. So yeah, corny title! Anyway, I'm selling some of my little clothes through OUI boutique, a funky shop in Central Auckland now. It's going well! Look here are some tops that I made especially for this shop. I had just enough fabric left to make 4 tops, oh I so love the prints.

Gathered tops with Liberty leaves
One red, one blue
Blue one
Ha : gathered leaves with Liberty top
Dress-tunics in cream fabrics
Colorful drops and swirly dots
Drops ( Lieveke, Lieveke, full of beans...)
I'm a little sad really. Our lovely little neighour Shayda -who's dad is Irani and mum is Taiwanese- goes to the same daycare-centre as Lieveke. They've become best friends : so sweet, when we arrive, Shayda -overjoyed, runs over to cuddle Lieveke and then they hold hands together and toddle off to do some swinging or playing. Shayda is a wee bit older and soft and gentle, a good thing as lieveke is rather extroverted and enthousiastic (this means quite full-on, dear reader). When Shayda's not there to greet (sick or holiday), Lieveke is rather lost and finds it a bit hard to engage immediately in the play of other children. And now Shayda's mum Sandra just told me that they are going back to Taiwan, for 6 months! Sandra feels lonely here in NZ, she has no job and very few friends and misses her family terribly... I understand, I miss my family too, very very much, especially my parents ( x ). Yet I'm grateful for my new life here in NZ, I have a good job at the gallery and I've found such satisfaction in sewing the kid's clothes. I've made many new friends, some of them with small children, friends of Lieveke's. I'm lucky you see, I am.
I wonder how old Kimberlee's doing, on holiday back in the States? Did she get a bunk at her friends? Is the cozzy married yet? Were Kimberlee and her sis Carling looking stunning (as I imagine) in their retro-frocks? Has Kimberlee seen her parents (in another state) -she was so looking forward to catching up with them... She too was missing her family...
Heh, sniff, I told you, it was gonna be corny...
Well, do have a nice weekend you's!