iconic american image #1So I have come to this page several times in attempt to get back into blogging. My grace period for not blogging is officially over since I have been back now for (gasp) two weeks and have not said a peep thus far.
the problem is, so much happened that blogging about it seems quite impossible. What should I leave out? (that's the real question for a talker like me) well the answer
finally came to me: nobody is really that interested in other people's holidays as much as the people who went on them think.
And as a side note; the same principle applies to dreams you have had. No matter how funny/interesting they are to you, if you want to tell others, make it brief.
So with this in mind, I present you with a brief slide show of my trip with limited commentary.
These flags fly from my parents deck: America, NZ, and Kenya (my dad does a lot of work there)
when I am home, I do a lot of bargain hunting, because let me tell you sister, America is full of bargains. Like these 2nd hand mugs from goodwill that I cheered my heart for a mere dollar.

and all of these black shoes.

and my new glasses

my sister came home from college and this was her room after she brought all her stuff back from school. ahh the college pilgrimage, I remember those days.

Things to do in Colorado: feed giraffes. They really do have black blue tongues and lots of slobber.
Lets move from a colorado landscape to minnesota.... see if you can notice the difference.....

I'm almost getting patriotic just looking at these (until I think of the bush years, then any national pride seems to flood out of me quite quickly).

okay onto wedding stuff......

In the U.S.A it's common to get your nails done before a wedding. don't ask me why, it's just how we roll. Brittney here is our hand model.

I am not used to nail salons so these blue lights scared me as much as they confused me. What does toxic looking neon light do for the manicure process? just asking.

If you are the bride, sometimes you get acrylic nails for your special day and this is what they look like before they file them. that's primal! oh yes, and meet bridezilla here.

Just kidding, joanna, my sweet cousin was no bridezilla. See how happy she was about the little party we threw her.

and she loved her giant underpants which were grossly disproportioned to her thin frame. (that was the joke, get it?) Cousin Megan's body fills out the other thigh.

Cousin brittney made the jewelry for the brides maids. clever girl.

fabulous cousins

These are our moms. Gayle didn't like Claire's joke, so she is giving us her long suffering look. My mom is the one in the white jacket. pretty lady, yes I know.

these are my youngest female cousins Sophie and Olivia. I had to subject you to their general adorableness. they have sparkle, no?

meet my elder brother (hi Joel!) who is looking dapper in that vintage tie... little did he know he would match his vintage sisters....

Yes here we are. this is the LOVELY dress Melissa gave me a while back. I told just about everyone who made eye contact with me that the it was "from
Norway and is genuine
1950s vintage!" reponses were mixed.
Carling's dress was my etsy find of the year, also 1950s vintage. Can you believe that in both cases no altering was necessary! yes you heard it here first, it was dress destiny.... or dresstiny.
oh dear. the bad jokes are coming out now which means I am getting loopy from all this posting. time to finish. I lied to you when I said this was going to be brief. I truly believed it for the first little while. honest.
if you have read all this it can only mean you missed me lots.
more craft related posts coming soon.