In case you don't know this about me already, I have a thing for old childrens books. Anytime I go into an opshop, I run straight for the kids book section and entirely lose myself in the colourful, gorgeous illustrations. That is if I am lucky enough to find some good books. But since I am not the only one into these old treasures, it's getting harder and harder to find the good stuff.
Recently I had my MY MOST SUCCESSFUL BOOK HUNTING DAY EVER, and collected this entire stack.

All of these are from the 1950s, WHICH IS ABSURD! You never find beauties like these all at once. Some of these books are close to 60 years old, which technically makes them vintage not just retro in case you were wondering.

And this lot is from the 1960s and 70s. I couldn't believe my luck. It was as though they were put there just for me by some devine, cosmic working.

Lets look inside a bit, shall we?
The Cats go to the Market, 1969
Jolly Dogs, 1950's
Animal ABC, 1957

WAIT A MINUTE! Hold the phone. This book was printed in MY HOME TOWN! Racine Wisconsin! whoa. What are the chances?

If that were not enough, take a look inside
Bruno and Minne at the Zoo....

Mulder publishing? no. way. That's my last name! Or it was until I got married. Finding these books was like going through the story of my life.

Finally and totally unrelated... I found more cuter than cute japanese eraser toys. Here is the entire collection so far, let me know if you see any more of these babies around town.
Hope you guys are finding good treasures as well. Keep you your eyes peeled.
What a fantastic score! I love The Cats Go to Market and the Jolly Dogs. Looks like I have some competition in the hunt for cool vintage kids books!!
I just adore old kids books too, great find! xx
Now I know what to add to my list of things to check out at the opshops of Chicago. I'll keep my eyes peeled too.
Totally great finds. Endless inspiration and I love the colors - how about that orange!! That book "Daniel the reluctant duck", I have a couple of those in that series. It's always an animal who has some personality difficulty to work out - so funny and the photos are awesome. Nice to find one published in your home town too.
I'll tell you a little secret: go west... Henderson op shops are full of amazing old books! Or were, last time I went there. Love the Jolly Dogs book :)
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