Je suis revenue! Hello there blog-in craft-sphere-and-every-one-that-dewelleth-within I`m back from a looooooooong way away. Sigh sigh sigh... I went to present my child to my kin on the other side of da Earth. In my language child is kind. It took such a long journey for me to really and fully comprehend how important family is and how warm, comforting and anchored it feels to be near your kindred spirits. It was an ever so lovely and good encounter. Wonderful mother and father, so dear. Nephews and nieces, curiously blissful stares and beckoning little hands. Precious and creatively funny friends, warm arms and generous spirits. Thoughtful spring sun, green budding gardens, late night church bells, old stone chapel, path of my chilhood to village superette. Tears, cause when I was five, I lost my shopping wallet for I was a dreamer all the way to the superette and then my mama was cross for loosing the money and not getting the bread...
And so hey, I got a bit lost that way on my return to NZ... Doest the pixie live in water or on land? Where is the place where dreams come true? What and who to leave behind? What and who to find? Have I been forgotton or overlooked? Should I look a bit closer though? Where to begin to pick up? How not to discard? Luckily my other loved ones, here in NZ, embraced me patiently, let me rest, gave me space and let me find my true bearings : an anchor needs both elements, it is ok. Through it all my baby and sole travel companion Lieveke was braver than me, smiled for ever and so inspired me with her father Gabriel, my family - oh my family, into the world again. And then gently gently slowly slowly it tentatively felt like good and fresh and yum again, 'right as rain'. Do you know that perfectly beautiful song by Morphine?
Here we are just after coming back home, tired but safe and cuddley.

What pulled me right as rain also was -waddayathonk- ZE CRAFT! Ooooh I caressed my lonely sewing-machine and gently let it sing again. I felt like re-inventing my touch and came up with a new pattern to doctor : baby-kimono-jackets. They were so fulfilling to make - choosing and combining the right fabrics and sewing it all up into one tiny sweety thing. They will be available on this thursday`s CRAFTWERK, yessy yes.

I know I don`t need to explain or justify myself but I felt I had to write a little bit about my seemingly indifferent absence and confusing aloofness. So I wrote this post for all you blogfriends but especially for you Kimberlee, I wrote it straight from my

Kia kaha!