So I guess there has been lots more happening since we got back.
But first I wanted to show you some garage sale bargains I got while in the states.
First some care bears, yes I am a child of the 80s. I got these little bundles of cheer for FIVE bucks total! they're in great condition and I think I am saving them for my future children. my models below work their Fierce CAREBEAR stares.

In my opinion, NZ could really benefit from more garage sales. I suppose its great that everyone just donates to the local op shop, but there is a certain experience you lose when you skip the garage sale. Like the experience of getting to know your neighbors and their old weird stuff, of the grass roots low-fi shop venues where everyone basically moves their living room into the space that they normally park the car, and all the guess work is gone. When you go to an OP shop you pretty much know what you are getting into, but with garage and yard sales, you sometimes don't know if they are selling or just doing a massive tidy up. My brother made this mistake as a kid, "hey mister, how much for this baseball?" "WHAT are you doing in here kid!! get out!"

oh yes these retro and vintage tins put me out one dolla fiffy. I used them at the last craftwerk to hold my cards and I must say, they worked out swell.

Speaking of craftwerk, it was a week ago Thursday. I had no time to post about it before hand because I was busy trying to scrounge up a few things to sell. This is a bag I made for it. The fabric was compliments of Melissa aka tiny happy. TA!

Yoshi models the new t-shirt bought from a local designer at Craftwerk. I don't know his name but he does custom order screen prints and you really should keep an eye out for him... they are very affordable. The t-shirt actually looks better on me but The Yosh and I are sharing and he called dibs on Fridays. Them's the breaks.
okay I also made some pies today but I ran out of photo space.
No major updates in the life and times of a jobless, childless, housewife. I'll keep you posted when I have some sort of a career slapped together. Until then, I am dreaming of a day when I finally get my portfolio together (a daunting task for me right now), send it out, and start working. Until then, pie anyone?
Oh I also wanted to officially thank Lies for keeping up the blog while I was gone. Beautiful things you have been working on. That photo of the new Lieveke coat doesn't do it justice! It is the most fabulous thing I have EVER seen for a baby/toddler. I love it much. And thanks my dear dear friend for being so good to me when I got back and was getting over my transitional funk. Its so good to talk with someone who really understands. xoxoxox