Today is rainy and cold so I thought I would bring myself some cheer. All hail the queen, tropical birds, and colourful dance wear. These are some collage pieces that I will later turn into cards or something. I get a lot of my images from old children's encyclopedias. All these are from a school reader called
The Daily Mail which I believe is from the early 60s or late 50s. How can I cut up such lovely images? you ask. well, I believe I give them new life. It's a special kind of bravery to try and turn something that is already wonderful into something more wonderful. Many people do the same thing with vintage or retro fabrics. Yes sometimes it is scary to whip out those scissors and (gasp) make that first cut, but what's the alternative? Let it hide away on some shelf and gather dust?

just some doodles. I love highlighters and draw with them a lot, the only problem is the colours don't scan/print because the florescent is actually a chemical and it needs light to glow in that special neon way. The lesson here.. mother's do not let your children suck on these or their bodies will be full of glowing chemicals.

Oh anemone, I love you so. These are by Susan Williams Elli and are also from the Daily Mail, Lies, I put these up especially for you. The one below is my favourite.

My mother in law gave me these blossoms the other day and I think they should be the standard for judging all other flowers. They are utmost.
Helen was saying sometimes she craves the urban life, and I can understand what it is like to crave the opposite of what you have. Even though I love the city, these blossoms make me long for fresh air, green grass, and quiet. All the pictures you rural women post of your gardens, sunsets, and quiet pastoral landscapes, well, its clear you've got something special.

We are lucky to have Luke's parents to visit. They live on a lifestyle block with the usual country charms and its only 40 mins drive from here. This Sunday we are heading there to celebrate Luke's birthday. It will be his 26th this year which is distinct because the first time I got to know Luke was at his 16th birthday party (right before he moved back to NZ). So that's TEN YEARS that we have known each other. Flip.
okay one last thing, anybody have a good, simple recipe for cheesecake? I want to make one for Luke's birthday (it's his fav) but don't have a trusted family recipe and I think I need one. Just thought I'd ask. Thanks:)