Kokka trees
The little tree is having her second birthday this sunday. We're having a big party with a big cake with big candles (this is what she's asking for -especially the BIG candles). Gabriel and I are giving Lievie a big bed for her 'big girl'-day. She is all excited about it! A big bed asks for a revamp of her room : I'm doing stuff with the above tree-fabrics... Can't show, it's a surprise!
I swapped baby-dresses (pardon, 'big girl'-dresses) with Charlotte, so this sweet green linen dress is what Lieveke will wear on her party. Thanks heaps C!
The sun is a nice warm ball
That's what Lieveke said the other day. And really it is. Through the Tamarillo tree. For weeks Lievie's been staring at the 'tree-tomato's' to see if they were getting red. Yup. They are now and this is delicious : vanilla-icecream with tamarillo-heart, whipped cream and dark brown sugar. Hmmm.
Knitting last week (and this week, nearly there) : a cotton cross-over jerkin for Lieveke, as it happens in the same vibrant limey color as the party-dress.
I've been drooling over my two new Japanese sewing books - ahhh these books are just so good, i wanna sew every single thing in them! Look :
C-thru-dress from 'one piece sewing'
Flower gown from "more straight stitch dresses"
No, not a sewing book, just some pretty light dancing in our lounge
Have a lovely weekend! I know I will (party!). Gosh she's turning two. Already. -Lies