I thought this collage I recently made perfectly captured the drama I am feeling about leaving NZ. "good bye!" it shouts, "I'll miss you!"
Tonight we are having our leaving drinks with friends which I am really looking forward to.
At work earlier this week, I received flowers, presents (a very cool moleskin diary among other things), cake, and was taken out to lunch! What a mighty a send off. Perhaps the most meaningful moment was when all my co-workers publicly affirmed me. Sounds kind of strange, and to be honest, it felt a little strange too. But I think it's GOOD to give people time & space to say all the nice things they think but never say. I feel its crying shame that we only publicly affirm people in speeches when they get married or die.
Anyway, I will not really be gone from this blog. the plan is to keep talking all the way from Berlin! So this isn't good bye.
If you think of it, I am coming down with a cold and really do not want to be sick on our 29hr and 50 min flight (if you count layovers). Any prayers, good thoughts, happy vibes, and positive energy you want to throw my way, well I would just appreciate that a whole bunch.
Okay next we "talk"...
"ich bin ein berliner"
Tonight we are having our leaving drinks with friends which I am really looking forward to.
At work earlier this week, I received flowers, presents (a very cool moleskin diary among other things), cake, and was taken out to lunch! What a mighty a send off. Perhaps the most meaningful moment was when all my co-workers publicly affirmed me. Sounds kind of strange, and to be honest, it felt a little strange too. But I think it's GOOD to give people time & space to say all the nice things they think but never say. I feel its crying shame that we only publicly affirm people in speeches when they get married or die.
Anyway, I will not really be gone from this blog. the plan is to keep talking all the way from Berlin! So this isn't good bye.
If you think of it, I am coming down with a cold and really do not want to be sick on our 29hr and 50 min flight (if you count layovers). Any prayers, good thoughts, happy vibes, and positive energy you want to throw my way, well I would just appreciate that a whole bunch.
Okay next we "talk"...
"ich bin ein berliner"