Tuesday 6 February 2007

Bed stuff and fabric buddies.

You know those tri-pillows? The ones you get in order to breast-feed `properly`? What to do with them when the baby is big enough to feed without? MAJOR ISSUE! Ha ha. No really, those things cost an arm and a leg. Luckily my partner Gabriel and I have developed a taste for them : excellent support for zonking out in front of TV or cosy neck-friend when zzzzz. The pillow-cases are very expensive too. And so, bien sur, I had to sew some cases, as you can see in the pictures of our bed. Any excuse for a project really... I made them in an orange-blue flowery fabric. And whadayano? Kimberlee got the same fabric for the lining of her tote-bag! We are unconscious spontaneous fabric buddies! Budettes! Wow!

Actually Lies,
Not only do we unknowingly purchase the same fabric, we use it for the same project. Eerie, isn't?... we have twin craft minds. (enter creepy music) nah-nah nah-nah, nah-nah nah-nah YOU ARE NOW ENTERING THE CRAFTLIGHT ZONE.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You two seem like the best of (sewing) pals. I'm feeling envious! Nice fabric there..